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Main use of extended hedge trimmer

Source: Time:2024-02-14 09:15:52 views:

Extended hedge trimmer is a mechanical equipment used for trimming hedge, mainly used for trimming hedge in landscaping, parks, both sides of roads, residential areas and other places

Extended hedge trimmer is a mechanical equipment used for trimming hedges, mainly used for trimming hedges in landscaping, parks, roadsides, residential areas, and other places. It has the advantages of simple operation, good work and pruning effect, and can quickly and accurately prune various shapes of green hedges, greatly improving the efficiency and quality of hedge pruning. The extended hedge trimmer usually consists of an engine, a cutter, a scissor frame, scissors, a walking mechanism, an operating handle, and other parts. Different lengths of scissor frames and scissors can be selected according to different hedge heights and widths to meet different trimming needs.
